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There is no set stardard for 'scoring oppertunity" in hockey as the NHL does not keep track of it. I'd consider it to be a open shot from more than a few feet inside the circles, or any chance where the attacking player had a breakaway, large portion of the net open, or a good shot from in close.

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16y ago
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16y ago

a chance, or scoring chance in Ice Hockey is the same as a shot on goal. A chance is recorded each time the puck is moving in line where it would go into the net if nothing blocked it. If a shot is blocked by any means but woul dnot have gone into the goal if it were not stopped, this does not count as a chance.

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15y ago

I am pretty sure that a penalty shot is considered a shot on goal; however, shots from a shoot out do NOT count as a shot on goal.

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13y ago

Any shot (of the puck) that has a reasonable chance of crossing the goal line.

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10y ago

A scoring chance is when u had or have a chance to put the puck in the net and a shot on goal says it all its just shooting at the goal.

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