

If you head the ball what sport is being played?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Most likely soccer

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Q: If you head the ball what sport is being played?
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Head ball, Where you play vollyball with peoples heads.

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Football and rugby. But to pick one, rugby. No pads, just head to head, get the ball. Whatever it takes.

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== == Polocrosse == ==

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How you like soccer?

Soccer is my favorite sport. Not everyone can play it though, you have to be unafraid of the ball and be patient. I once got hit with the ball really hard, I was standing next to the goal drinking water and then a boy kicked the ball to my head and it hit my eye. After that you would think I would be afraid but I wasn't. Soccer is a great sport, I recommend it to everyone.

Which Equestrian sport uses a bamboo stick to which is attached a racket head with a loose thread net which is used to carry a ball?

The answer is Polocrosse. This is a level 8 answer for Howrse.

What is it called when you kick or head the ball toward the goal?

a head ball???

Was ancient lacrosse played using an enemies head as a ball?

i dont think so, they probably used rocks or something for the ball, no one really knows.