Soccer entails a lot of running around and kicking a ball. If you're really good at it, jumping and hitting the ball with your head enters into it too.
Soccer is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each, aiming to score by kicking a ball into the opposing team's goal. Players must use their feet, head, or body to control and pass the ball. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins. Soccer requires skill, strategy, teamwork, and physical fitness.
It means what is involved or required to accomplish some activity. Such as--> Sailing around the world will entail much planning.
A soccer mom typically has a nurturing and organized personality, being supportive of their child's interests and activities while also managing a busy schedule of practices and games. They are often seen as involved, dedicated, and enthusiastic about their children's involvement in sports.
Psychodynamic therapy is a form of talk therapy that focuses on exploring unconscious thoughts and emotions, childhood experiences, and how they influence current behavior and relationships. It aims to bring awareness to internal conflicts that may be contributing to mental health issues and help individuals develop insight and new coping mechanisms.
Internal control evaluation involves assessing the design and effectiveness of a company's internal controls to ensure that resources are safeguarded, financial reporting is accurate, and operations are efficient. This process typically includes identifying key controls, testing them to ensure they are operating effectively, and addressing any weaknesses or deficiencies found. The goal is to provide assurance that the organization's objectives are being achieved and that risks are being managed effectively.
Some common Croatian stereotypes include being overly patriotic, having a strong love for football (soccer), being hot-headed and having a love for good food and wine. It is important to remember that stereotypes are generalizations and may not accurately represent all individuals from Croatia.
Answering your question fully will entail further research on my part.
She wasn't aware of what drinking and driver would entail. A lot of people are aware of what drinking and driving would entail.
That would entail writing an answer, which I have now done.
I didn't know what the job would entail.I knew the task would entail physical labor.To entail is to give detailed information and facts.
The CFP classes entail many procedures to make one a Certified Financial Planner. The classes entail and test your ability to apply financial planning procedures.
Inchoate offenses and parties to a crime do not entail separate criminal offenses. Outline what these theories of criminal liability entail and what conduct is required in order to price such liability
The anagram is "entail."
Aeronautical engineering would entail design and production of aircraft, modifications (which always happen ) and maintenance of aircraft.
Some closely related words to the word entail are: - Involve - Require - Include