It is a direct free kick, or a penalty kick if a defender kicks an attacker in the defender's penalty area.
Yes. The only times other players aren't permitted in the penalty box are on the goalkeeper's goal kicks and on penalty kicks.
A penalty in football is given when there is a . handball in the box, a player is brought down in the box .
It is called the penalty arc. It is to ensure that defenders are 10 yards from the penalty spot when a penalty kick is taken.
coz they are dived in the box
Its when the OTHER Team has a penalty and you have more people on your team because someone is in the penalty box. =)
A penalty is a type of kick. A penalty kick is one way to restart a match with a one-on-one kick against the opposing goal keeper from 12 yards away.There is another type of penalties which is related to the individual player no such as:Red card: the player can not stay in the field anymore and should be stopped for one match or more.Financial penalty: the player or the team member will pay certain amount related to his type of violation
The D keeps players 10yds from the penalty spot during a PK. If no D was on the top of the penalty box players would be 6yds from the spot.
At both ends of the field is a set of goalposts with a net. The 2 corners have quadrants for corner kicks. In front of the goal is the six-yard box for goal kicks. Next comes the penalty spot for penalty kicks. Then comes the penalty box which is the area where a penalty can be given for a foul. Just at the edge of the penalty box is a semi circle which indicates the minimum distance of the rest of the players to the penalty taker. Along the whole length of the field and on either side are the sidelines for throw-ins. Injured players also have to re-enter the pitch from outside the sidelines near the middle. At the middle of the field is the kick-off spot, for kick-offs. Around the spot is a large circle split in the centre by the half line. The circle is to indicate the minimum distance between the players who are kicking-off and the the rest of the players. The half line indicates the maximum proximity to the opponent's goal that a player can be at at kick-off. That is all there is to a soccer field's anatomy.
1 PH on a F typically refers to a penalty kick in soccer (football). It occurs when a player is fouled inside the penalty box by an opposing player, resulting in the awarding of a penalty kick to the fouled team.
Penalty kicks are awarded for any foul that would warrant a direct free kick that occurs inside the penalty box. This is done because when the play is close to the goal and a foul is committed in order to break up the scoring opportunity, the player/team fouled deserves another chance to score.
If a player is in the penalty box and some one scores you get to get out of the box. Example: I get a penalty and my team scores I get to get out. Or I'am in the penalty box and then the other team scores I get to get out.
The D keeps players 10 yards from the Ball when a penalty kick is taken. Whenever a free kick is taken, the defending team must always be 10 yards away from the ball. This includes penalty kicks. The penalty spot is 12 yards from the goal line. The penalty area is 18 yards from the goal line. All players have to be outside of the box when the penalty kick is taken. Without the D, the players standing behind the penalty taker would only be 6 yards from the ball. So, from the penalty spot, a 10 yard radius is drawn and marked only outside the penalty box (so it ends up looking like a D)