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The fielder made a decision to throw the batter out at first instead of throwing the runner out at home. This is considered a fielders choice.

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Q: If a runner is on third base with one out and you hit a grounder to second why are you charged with an at-bat if the runner scores?
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Runner on second and batter hits grounder to short and throws out runner at third is batter credited with a hit?

No hit it is a fielders choice

Does a sacrifice fly that advances a runner from second to third count as an at bat?

A fly ball that advances a runner from second to third is not counted as a sacrifice fly, and it does count as an at bat. Unless a runner scores on a fly ball, the batter is charged with an at bat.

Who is charged with the loss if the team loses in the 9 th inning?

Which ever pitcher is responsible for the runner who scores to lose the game. Say pitcher A gives up a double, and is then replaced by Pitcher B. If pitcher B gives up another double, and the runner on second scores, Pitcher A gets the loss, because he put the scoring runner on base.

Is it a force out at second base if the out at first occurs before the out at second?

No. Any base runner that gets on base and scores is charged to the pitcher that pitched to him, regardless whether the batter reached base by a force out, error, catcher's interference,etc.

If you have a runner on first and a runner on third and the runner on first attempts to steal second at the same time the runner on third takes off and scores does the batter get the RBI?

ed Parker isn't

If you hit a very deep fly ball and a runner on second base tags and scores from second is it a sacrifice fly?


If a batter grounds out to second base and a runner advances is the batter charged a time at bat?


What is the call if you have runners on second and third with one out and a fly ball is hit to the outfield and is caught. The runner on third base tags up and scores. The runner on second base does n?

It's a sacrifice fly. The batter is credited with an RBI, and the at-bat does not count against his batting average. The runner on second is inconsequential to the scoring decision.

Can there be an earned run on an infield single if the runner scores from second base?

In my opinion, if the pitcher who is responsible for the batter being on second base to begin with, then I believe it is an earned run...

What is a lead runner?

The lead runner is the runner at the base closest to home plate when there is more than one runner on base. If there are runners on second base and third base, the runner on third base is the lead runner. If there are runners on first and second, the runner on second is the lead runner. If there is only one runner on base, there is no lead runner.

Is it a sacrifice if a runner is on third with one out and the batter grounds out to second base with the runner on third scoring?

AnswerNo. Unless the runner scores, it is NOT a sacrafice fly. If a batter flies out while a runner is on either 1st or 2nd base, tags up and advances to the next base, it is simply ruled as a flyout with the runner advancing, and the "at bat" will still be charged to the batter. A sacrafice fly scores the runner after he tags up, the batter does not get charged with an "at bat", and he also gets credit for a run batted in (RBI).I disagree. If a batter bunts and the runner advances, it is a sacrifice. So it would stand to reason that if you fly out, and the runner advances, then it would be as well.To Above:It's not a matter of disagreeing, it's a matter of MLB rules as designated by the rulebook. A sacrifice fly is not the same as a sacrifice bunt, a hit is only a sacrifice fly if the runner can tag and score. The reason being that a sacrifice fly is not scored as an official at-bat due to it's strategic value, thus it doesn't count against your batting average; since it's impossible to determine whether or not a batter is going long for strategy, or just swinging for the bleachers, you thus only get the sacrifice if the runner scores, all other fly-balls count against your average. A bunt is far more obvious in it's intent to move a runner, thus a bunt that moves a runner is a sacrifice.

Does the batter get a sacrifice if the runner on first tags and goes to second?

Yes as long as the runner advances Assuming you mean the runner tags up on a fly ball and advances to second, it is not scored as a sacrifice, but, simply as a fly out and the batter is charged with a time at bat. If the batter bunt a ground ball, the runner would not be required to "tag up" to advance and the batter would be credited with a sacrifice. If the batter is attempting a sacrifice bunt and pops up and the runner, tags up and somehow advances to second the batter is not credited with a sacrifice.