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As soon as the ball touches first base, it is a fair ball, regardless of what happens after that.

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Q: If a ball rolls foul then hits right corner of 1st base then rolls in after 1st base is it fair or foul?
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If a batted ball rolls over a corner of a base then goes foul before going completely over is it fair or foul?

Fair. If the ball hits the bag [base] first then goes foul it is fair

If a ball lands foul and roles in bounds is it foul?

If the ball lands foul past first or third base the ball is foul regardless of where it rolls. If the ball lands foul before first/third base and rolls fair before first/third base, the ball is fair. If the ball lands foul before first/third base and rolls foul past first/third base, the ball is foul. If the ball is touched while it is in foul territory before reaching first or third base it is considered foul and vise versa if it is touched in fair territory. Otherwise whether it is fair or foul is determined by where the ball stops. ** if the ball hits any part of 1st or 3rd base it is a fair ball

If a batter hits a ball and it initially rolls into foul territory but then rolls into fair territory before first base where it is fielded is it a fair ball?

Yes, it would be fair as long as it is fielded before first or third base or comes in contact with the base.

In baseball if a ball is picked up by the fielder while it is on the foul line before it reaches 3rd base it is a fair ball?

Yes, the entire line is in fair territory.

What is the origin of the term hot corner in baseball?

The "hot corner" in Baseball refers to the third base position. Since most batters are right handed, when they pull the ball down the third base line, they are hitting it in their power zone. Since the base is 90 feet away, the third baseman is required to have the best reflexes. So if you are playing the "hot corner" the ball blazes by you at a high speed and you must be able to react quickly to make the play.

Does square based pyramid has right amgles?

Yes its base contains 4 corner right angles

What if the ball hits the foul pole?

The ball is fairImproved answer:If this takes place BEFORE either first or third base, the ball is FOULIf the ball makes first contact with the ground PAST first or third on the chalk line and rolls foul, the ball is FAIR.

What should a pitcher do when a catcher misses a ball and the ball rolls towards the fence?

In general, if there are base runners, the pitcher should run to cover home. If there are no runners on, the pitcher can just stay on the mound.

How do you join covners of a square in a closed figure with the help of 3 straightl ines?

Draw a line from the top left hand corner to the bottom right hand corner and then across the base to the bottom left hand corner and then to the top right hand corner.

Is it fair or foul if a ball bounces over first or third into foul ground?

it will be ruled fairAnswerIt it rolls fair before third base an no one's touched it before it does, it's a fair ball. It would be foulfurther clarification:If the ball hits or rolls into 3rd base it would also be a fair ball

The umpire calls a ball batted behind homeplate a foul ball. The ball spins back onto homeplate without being touched. Is the ball fair or foul?

If the ball landed behind home plate, it is already a foul ball, even if it rolls back into fair territory. If the batter already has 2 strikes and then the ball is bunted foul, it's an out. The above answer is wrong. If a batted ball lands behind home plate but rolls forward and settles on the plate or in front of the plate, it is a fair ball.

One out and runner on second base and ball is hit to deep fly ball to right field How many bases can a player on second base advance?

None until the ball hits the ground.