

How they measure ski jumpers jump?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How they measure ski jumpers jump?
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Are women allowed to ski jump in general?

Yes, there are female ski jumpers but they are not allowed to ski jump in the Olympics.

Are ski jumpers paid to ski jump?

No there not paid there just in the Olympics

What are the plant markers on the ski jump?

They are for depth perception for the jumpers, a solid white canvas is impossible to read otherwise.

What are the release dates for Amateur Ski Jumpers - 1902?

Amateur Ski Jumpers - 1902 was released on: USA: February 1902

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What is the goal in ski jumping?

I think it's to get the farthest of all the ski jumpers.

How tall are the jumps that the hunter jumpers in the Olympics jump?

i think its like around amillion It isn't. We normally jump from 2500 feet ( a hop and pop ) to 14,500' for seventy-five seconds of free fall.

Is ski jump a compound word?

Ski jump = 2 words

When was The Mystery at the Ski Jump created?

The Mystery at the Ski Jump was created in 1952.

How high do medium sized ponies have to jump in jumpers?

in pony jumpers they don't separate hiehgts for the different sizes but in rated pony hunters smalls jump 2'3 mediums jump 2'6 and larges jump 3'

Does Slovenia have the biggest ski jump?

yes it does .the biggest ski jump in the whole world.

When was Pine Mountain Ski Jump created?

Pine Mountain Ski Jump was created in 1938.