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i think its like around amillion

It isn't. We normally jump from 2500 feet ( a hop and pop ) to 14,500' for seventy-five seconds of free fall.

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The distance that ski jumpers jump is measured instead of how high they jump. At most Olympic events, they fly for about 100 meters.

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Anywhere between 3 000 and 15 000 feet.

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Q: How tall are the jumps that the hunter jumpers in the Olympics jump?
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Are ski jumpers paid to ski jump?

No there not paid there just in the Olympics

Are women allowed to ski jump in general?

Yes, there are female ski jumpers but they are not allowed to ski jump in the Olympics.

Is the hop phase of the male triple jump world record longer than the women's world long jump record?

No, the best triple jumpers hop approx. 6.60-6.70m in the longest jumps while the best female long jumpers have jumped over 7.50m.

Who missed the most jumps in the Olympics high jump and still won the gold medal?

James Jumptoshort

Is high jump is a Olympic game?

There are a few rules for the Olympic long jump. Athletes' shoes can have a sole thickness no more than 13mm. Their runway is 40 meters long and they must take off from the front edge of the 20 centimeter wide takeoff board. Jumpers get three jumps each round, with the top 8 jumps moving on until the winner is decided in the final round.

How can you jump in monster hunter freedom unite?

Techniclly you can't jump, your avatar only jumps onto ledges, to do this walk up to a ledge and press x.

What is the highest building jumped off by a base jumper?

That would be the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. I believe the 2 jumpers did an official jump for the opening below the top of the building which is 2717ft. Prior to this, there were other jumps, but they were not official and were regarded as bandit jumps.

What is the plural noun for jump?

The plural form of the noun jump is jumps; one jump, two jumps.

Is a hunter horse a horse that jumps in shows?

A hunter horse can jump, but it is not made for just that. It is usually used for hunting, hence its name, it can also be used as an all- rounder. hope that helped.

In what year were standing jumps dropped from the Olympics?

Standing triple jump was last competed at the 1904 Games in St. Louis and standing high jump and standing long jump were last competed at the 1912 Games in Stockholm.

Make a present tense verb jumps?

I/you/we/they jump. He/she/it jumps. The present participle is jumping.

How high do medium sized ponies have to jump in jumpers?

in pony jumpers they don't separate hiehgts for the different sizes but in rated pony hunters smalls jump 2'3 mediums jump 2'6 and larges jump 3'