

How old were Undertaker and Kane when they died?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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They're not dead, they just pretend they are from the dead.

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Q: How old were Undertaker and Kane when they died?
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How old is Kane and taker?

kane is 40 years old and the undertaker is 42 years old.

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No undertaker was not poisoned because he is leaving to go to TNA in 2012 and i think that kane poisoned him

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They are half brothers. Kane was adopted into Mark Callaway's (The Undertaker) family when they were babies since Kane's father died.

How did undertaker and Kane mom and dad died?

in a fire

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paul keeps undertakers powers in it so when he shows it to undertaker,undertaker gets better to fight like kane vs undertaker kane also is the same as undertaker he gets on his ruff side when he sees it and it is something in it that is for undertaker and kane paul died, so undertaker and kane had it to keep and now in 2013 cm punk has it in his hand and attaked undertaker revenge will be on cm punk because undertaker is serious on him do you also know paul is dead in real life he died in 2013 i loved him for them he died in march 5,2013

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i think Kane leave undertaker because undertaker is best then Kane

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NO!!! The Undertaker and Kane are not gay!!!

Did the undertaker ever cry and why?

NEVER. unless Kane died.

Is Kane older then the undertaker?

undertaker is older undertaker is 45 Kane is 43

When did Kane get burnt and what did he look like when he got burnt?

The storyline was that the undertaker and kanes parents died in a fire and that the undertaker thought Kane to be dead as well but Kane escaped with "serious burns''

Did undertaker mother died?

yes,his mother was killed by her son kane