They are half brothers. Kane was adopted into Mark Callaway's (The Undertaker) family when they were babies since Kane's father died.
Yes. It was once said that The Undertaker has four fake brother's, and a fake storyline with kane having no brother's. So yes they are brother's in real life.
The wrestlers The Undertaker and cane are not at all related, but the wrestling world calls them brothers. the Undertaker has four real brothers.
No. he doesn't have a brother in real life. In storyline yes, Kane is his brother in storyline.
Kane and Undertaker aren't related in real life.
Kane they grew up together. No, they didn't, and Kane is not his real brother.
They are not related in any way. they are not real brothers. it was just story line whice kept them connected.
Kane and Undertaker aren't related in real life.
Kane and undertaker are not related in real life
Yes, his counterpart Kane is his brother, hence the tag team name "Brothers of Destruction". October 17, 2008 Kane and The Undertaker are not brothers in real life!!!!! It is Story line only!!!! Taker on the other hand in real life has four brothers.
Yes, they are brothers. No in real life they are NOT related in any way! Only in storyline