fifty feet high
You need 50 quidditch cards to unlock Firebolt.
There are three goal posts on each side of the quidditch field so there are six goal posts altogether on the quidditch field.
You score in Quidditch by throwing the red quaffle through one of the giant gold hoops that are about fifty feet off the ground on poles, protected by the keeper. x
its about the history of quidditch
Quidditch is pronounced 'kwidich' with short vowels.
Harry Potter plays the game of wizard chess in the first book/movie. He plays the sport of Quiditch. His position is the seeker.
Quidditch Through the Ages
The books don't say their Quidditch numbers. Watch the Prisoner of Azkaban; there are plenty of Quidditch scenes in that movie.
It seats 100,000 people.