

How many calories do you burn jogging 1 mile 50k?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Depending on body weight, height, etc you burn 100-150 calories per mile.

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Q: How many calories do you burn jogging 1 mile 50k?
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It varies from person to person. It depends on variables such as weight, degree of fitness, jogging pace, and whether jogging on flat ground or incline, rough ground or smooth ground.

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jogging for like 10 minutes will burn as much as 100 calories, so if you will try to jo for 30 minutes that will be more or less 300 calories all in all, and it depends on the intensity of your jogging, but you must have a good condition of LUNGS in order to jog for 30 minutes because a lot of oxygen will be needed by the body when we talk about cardiovascular exercises.

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175 25 x 7 = 175.

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How many calories does 30minutes of jogging at 5 mph burn?

A simple rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile for a 180 pound person. So if you are walking 5 miles you would be burning around 500 calories.