

How many Olympic games have taken place in the Modern Era?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How many Olympic games have taken place in the Modern Era?
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How many modern era olympic games have there been?

Although the most recent (2008) games was the 29th Olympiad, only 26 Olympic games have taken place. The Olympic games did not take place in 1916, 1940, or 1944 as scheduled due to the world wars.

How many times have the winter Olympics taken place in Europe?

15 of the 21 Winter Olympic games have taken place in Europe.

Has the olympic ever taken place in the US?

Yes. In Atlanta. Summer games of 96 methinks.

How many times has the olympic games taken place in England?

3 (1908, 1948, 2012).

The Olympic oath was first taken during which Olympic Games?

The Olympic Oath for athletes was first taken at the 1920 Games in Antwerp and the Olympic Oath for judges was first taken at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

Most of the Winter Olympic Games have taken place in Europe in the Mountains that are part of what mountain system?

In the alps

Where did the modern Olympics take place?

The modern day Olympics are in fact held in continents which are MED's or More Economically Developed. This means that they can afford to hold the Olympic games. They have lots of money and can afford to pay wage's.

How many times have the Summer Olympic Games taken place in Paris G?

cause JUST cause they whant to

Where did the first olympic game take place?

The first Olympic game was taken place in Greece

When was the olympic fist taken place?

It was taken place on Mt. Olympus of course where do you think they got the name from?

What Olympics was the Olympic oath first used?

The Olympic Oath for athletes was first taken at the 1920 Games in Antwerp and the Olympic Oath for judges was first taken at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

How many Olympic female athletes have represented New Zealand in the Olympic Games?

as it stands 48590 women have taken part