

Best Answer
  • Cheerleaders lift and/or throw people. People are heavier than footballs.
  • Cheerleaders have no padding or helmits
  • Cheerleading is the 3rd most dangerous sport in the world. Football is the 10th.
  • Not only do cheerleaders have to worry about the athletic elements, they also wear elaborate uniforms, makeup and hairstyles
  • Cheerleading is year round, there is no off-season
  • Complicated tumbling(gymnastic like elements)
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is not proven but I think cheer is harder! You may not have to condition as much but while they are running trying to catch a ball they don't have to remember to point their toes, straiten their legs and arms, and make sure that they are on count! They also don't have to remember a routine!

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Is cheering an activity?

depends on how you look at it. for school not as much because you do your half time and cheer side lines. in my opion competitve cheer is much more of a work out simply because the things you do in this kind of cheer is much harder. the stunts, jumps, tumbling that you throw will push you harder than cheer for you school. but yes cheering is an activiy

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A heavy football player is harder to stop because it has a greater momentum. In physics, momentum is equal to the mass of an object times its velocity. If a 50 kilogram kid and a 70 kilogram man were running at the same speed, the man would be harder to stop because he would have a greater momentum.

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in my oppion wrestling is harder than cheer but its not really a fair comparioson since for wrestling you need muscle induerance, regular indurance and lots of other phsical things becuase of how phsical it reallty is you also need lots of technequie by doing differnt movies and lots of differnt styles. Althought with cheer you only really need flexibility and good memorie most cheerleaders dont really do much but some of them do insane flips and movies but it still doesnt equal up to near as much work or effeft most wrestlers do .

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Yes I am on two teams we do stunts in both it is alot harder than high school cheer I think if u were thinking about joining all star i would

How does cheerleading help your health?

Cheerleading can help your health by making you fit. Most people do not realize it but, cheerleading is a lot harder than it looks. There is a lot of physical ability that is needed to be able to cheer.

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If he makes you run more laps than everyone else and is harder on you than everyone else

Witch is harder football or hockey?

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