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If you play softball for your high school and the college you plan on attending wants you on their team, they may give you money for your schooling to get you to play for them. For example, if they give you a 'full ride' if you play for them, they are paying full costs for you to attend college.

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Q: How does softball help your scholerships?
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Is there a book called softball for dummies?

There is not a specific book on Softball for Dummies, but there are many other books that can help you if you need to find out more about softball.

Which travels farther an eleven inch softball or a twelve inch softball?

i would say a eleven inch due to the fact that it is lighter. but i am no mathmatician, just a lover of softball. HELP PUT SOFTBALL BACK IN THE OLYPMICS!!!!

Help in softball pitching and catching relations?

to help with pitching in softball you can go to softball camps and they will help you a lot i went to one now i can pitch really good!:) now to help you with catching whether your talking about being behind the plate or in the field your can just practice and you will be really good! All it takes is practice.

What are the pros and cons of playing softball?

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Does softball help increase muscle strength?


How can softball exercise help you?

it is exercize because you run and you do streches and everything like that

Is softball played in the Olympics?

Yes, it's played in the Olympics and in fact it's the only sport that doesn't have a boys division, it's only women softball. Unfortunately, a move was done to remove softball from the Olympic games starting in the 2012 Olympics. There have been efforts to help bring back softball.

What are the most important muscles to stretch in softball?

your legs and arms,also your wrists. if you are scared in softball, just breathe. that will help you the most.i got hit in the arm once. just breathe.

Where can you find info on softball?

The website I went on to find out information on the equipment was this will help you

Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

Why doesn't softball have a raised mound?

In baseball, the ball is released at higher point (shoulders) in a downward motion. In softball, the ball is released at a lower location (the hip) in a straight motion.A softball mound is raised up about a 1/2 inch to help the pitcher push off.