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Find the website for the AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization). On that website there is a section (near the bottom left of the home page the last time I checked) to find a local team. Just add in your zip code to find a league in your area. You could also do what my school did. If your state has organized soccer at your age level (but your school doesn't) you could form your own team! Most schools allow students (with a faculty member sponsor) the opportunity to form clubs. Most of these clubs are for activities like Chess or debate but there's nothing that says sports can't be clubs too. The things that will be needed to make a soccer club a reality is an open minded principal, a faculty sponsor, enough of your fellow students to form a team, a medical physical and insurance for all team members and ALL uniforms, referee fees, transportation and even a field will need to be supplied by you and your teammates. Your school may supply some things that don't cost them anything, but most of the cost to play will be on you and your teammates. It is very hard to do but it can be done.

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Q: How do you play soccer if your school doesn't have it as a sport. I'm too old for youth clubs like the YMCA.?
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