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You need to be very fit. The fitter you are, the longer you will last. So you need to work on your fitness, stamina and strength.

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Q: How do you not get tired really fast playing soccer?
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How fast muscle get tired?

Mucles get tired because you get a lot of work out like if your going to the gym or if you are playing a sport. The first picture shows a person or people working out in a gym. The second picture shows two soccer players playing in a soccer game.

Why do you get tired fast when playing soccer?

The human body is composed of muscles (and all else). When you use those muscles they need oxygen. Playing "soccer" raises the muscle usage. Alas, you get tired!

Why you need to be fast in soccer?

So you can get past the people and so you don't get tired

When playing soccer do wearing soccer cleats make a difference?

yes it will it will make you kick far and run fast.

How do you jump rope without getting tired?

You really can't not get tired after any workout, even jumproping. You're going to get tired after exercise. You could practice not getting tired very fast by jumping little by little, making your jumping time longer than before.

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Why is soccer so exciting?

Because it's a fast moving, fun playing sport!

What can you drink in a soccer game to not get tired?

DON"T DRINK AT ALL. !!!! I'm not kidding. Try to slowly make your organism get addapted to not DRINKING water while you are playing. When you drink, you organism starts to work, so you get tired even faster. Don't drink,First of it's bad for your heart to drink while exercising, second, you don't get tired so fast. Professional Soccer players never drink water, in practices or games. They spit the water out, they drink water only to rinse their mouse from the sticky saliva.

In fast pitch games which players wear helmets?

Players wear helmets when playing American soccer.

Who is the best soccer goalie of all time?

Hope solo she is really good. And she is super fast

Why is soccer fast?

If your talking about why the game is played fast is because the speed of the game , if the game is played slow the games are really boring but if the game is fast its because both teams are trying to win and know how to play soccer on the same speed level

Will a wolf outrun a cheetah if it is tired of running fast?

Well it is hard to say, the cheetah runs really fast (100m in 4 seconds) where as the wolf it is pretty fast but I don't think he could out run the cheetah, but if he tried his very best without getting tired then he might have a chance.