you get sponsored on you-tube by people clicking the sponsor button on the side of your video.
NO is a great website to get sponsored, you have to send a video that they like though
send a video in
I think that you have to come in the top three in a yoyo championship then they come ask you if you would like to join [but that is just what I personally think]
Video Posting
well, you can try emailing the address of the video or sending a link to it...
they make form 2903k a day from 9000k a day in Ohio. depends on what game and if you are sponsored not sponsored around 104k and sponsored 1999k a day they make form 2903k a day from 9000k a day in Ohio. depends on what game and if you are sponsored not sponsored around 104k and sponsored 1999k a day
Both "Check this video out" and "Check out this video" both tells the person to look at the video you are sending or linking to them.
Do a request video on youtube for that or just type that you want to start a new game.\ \convincing=>game
A video birthday greeting can be sent by first recording it using a video camera. Then you have the options of burning it onto a disk, sending via multimedia messaging, uploading it to a site, or sending via email.