

How do you bunt in a game of baseball or softball?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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well you bend your knees a little bit and then you hold your bat in front of you.

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Q: How do you bunt in a game of baseball or softball?
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They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

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The fundamentals of softball are the same as this game?

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The fundamentals of softball are the same as the game?

A. Baseball

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no because the softball is not as firm as a baseball so it would cause less of a force when you hit it which can make it easier to get you out and because the softball is yellow and bigger than a baseball and a baseball is white

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What is the background of softball?

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