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Q: How do waves impact on the Australian Coastline?
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What are two processes cause waves to erode a coastline?

Two processes that cause waves to erode a coastline are hydraulic action, which is the force of the water itself against the coastline, and abrasion, which is the wearing away of the coastline by the material carried by the waves.

What part of the Australian coastline is south of the nullarbor plain?

The Southern Ocean lies south of the Nullarbor Plain along the Australian coastline.

Do waves hit the shoreline at an angle?

Yes, waves typically hit the shoreline at an angle due to the curvature of the coastline and the oblique angle at which they approach. This angle can vary depending on factors such as the direction of the prevailing winds and the shape of the coastline. The angle at which waves hit the shoreline can impact erosion and sediment transport processes.

How waves shape the coastline?

by erosion

Why is it that crashing waves causing erosion?

Crashing waves can cause erosion because the force and energy of the waves can wear down coastal rocks and cliffs over time. The constant impact of the waves can break apart rocks and carry away sediments, leading to the gradual erosion of the coastline.

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What is the most likely source of the waves approaching the coastline?

The most likely source of waves approaching the coastline is either wind blowing over the surface of the water (wind waves) or seismic activity like earthquakes or underwater landslides (tsunamis). These processes can generate waves that travel across the ocean and eventually reach the coastline.

What is a constructive coastline?

A constructive coastline is a type of coastline where deposition of sediments exceeds erosion, resulting in the gradual buildup of land. This can lead to the formation of features such as beaches, spits, and barrier islands.

How does water erode the shorelines?

As water hits the coastline it slowly takes dirt and sediments back into the ocean with it causing the erosion process. Also if it rains and water runs off the coastline it is able to carry sediments that way.

What agent of erosion only affects locations along a coastline?


What is an offshore wave breaker?

An offshore wave breaker is a structure built in the ocean to reduce the intensity of waves and protect a coastline or harbor from wave erosion. It works by dissipating wave energy before it reaches the coast, thus reducing the impact of waves on beaches or structures.

What is wave impact?

Wave impact refers to the force exerted by waves as they crash against a surface, such as a coastline or a structure like a pier or seawall. It can cause erosion, damage to infrastructure, and safety hazards for people near the shore. Engineering solutions, such as seawalls or breakwaters, are often implemented to mitigate wave impact.