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The run does not count if a runner crosses home plate during an inning-ending double (or triple) play, where the runners are all retired on force outs (as is the case in most double plays). Generally speaking, if the third out is recorded by a force out (including at first base), no runs can score on the play.

If the inning's third out was not recorded through a force play (whether or not it's the second or third out of that play), however, the run will count if the runner crossed the plate before the out was recorded. For example, on April 28, 2007, the Indians recorded a double play by catching a fly ball and catching the runner off first base. The runner from third base had already crossed the plate (after tagging up properly), so the run counted. In that case, the umpires actually got the rule wrong, and reversed themselves 3 innings later.

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16y ago

Presumption - you mean "Does the run count if the runner crosses home before the THIRD out is committed?" It depends on the nature of the third out. If the out is a force out (e.g. fly ball out, out on an appeal, or force out at a base the runner must advance) then the run does not count. If the third out of an inning is a non-force play where the runner does not have to advance (e.g. a runner stretching a single into a double is thrown out at 2nd), then the run counts if the scoring runner reaches the plate prior to the out being made.

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15y ago

A run counts if the runner crossed the plate legally and before the third out. If the runner crosses the plate even a half-second before the third out is tagged on the basepaths, then the run counts. If the out is made a half-second before the runner crosses the plate, then the run does not count. One exception is that with two outs the runner cannot score until all forced runners have reached their bases safely. That is, if the batter-runner is thrown out at first even after the runner crossed the plate, then the run does not count. Same thing if a runner is thrown out at second or third base (on a force-play only).

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15y ago

Yes, if the run crosses home plate before the third out is made, the run will count.

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14y ago

Yes it does count because the runner crossed home before the final out.!

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13y ago

no, if the out was a force out at any base. Yes, otherwise.

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12y ago

The run doesn't count if the out at first is a force out, if the batter overruns first base and is tagged out in an attempt to get back to first then the run would count.

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Q: Does the run count if the the runner crosses home before the out is committed?
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Does the runner score from third if batter tries to stretch a single and gets thrown out at second base?

If there are less than two outs, yes. If there are two outs, this is a timing play. If the runner crosses home plate before the batter is thrown out at second base, the run counts. If the batter is thrown out at second base before the runner crosses home plate, the run does not count.

When do runs count after 3 outs?

A Team can be awarded a run even when a player makes a third out only when the 3rd out is NOT a Fly out,a Line out,a Force out (such as on first base when a player has no choice but to go to that bag because he is forced by a base runner behind him) or a caught third strike. Also the run will only count if the runner crosses home plate BEFORE The third out it made. Ways that a third out can be made that allow the scoring of a run are in such situations as when a runner is tagged out on the basepaths (such as when he is trying to stretch a single into a double.

2 outs runner on 3b and 1b and batter hits grounder to 2nd who tags runner instead of the base does the run count since both batter and 3b touched before tag?

Yes. On a tag play, if a runner crosses home plate before another runner is tagged for the third out the run counts.

Does the run count if while runners on second and third the runner on third crosses the plate while the third baseman tags the man coming from second to third for the third out on a ground ball?

The run will count if the runner on third crosses the plate before the runner on second gets taged out. All force place end the inning without any runs scoring, however, all tag plays end the inning at the time of the third out.

If a runner from third crosses home before fielder tags runner running from first on batted ball does run count?

If you mean that there are already two outs, then, no, the run does not count. Any time the batter is put out before reaching 1st base, it is considered a force out. Therefore, no run counts on a play where the batter makes the 3rd out before reaching 1st base.

Runners on third and second fielder's choice runner tagged going to third base the run that was on third crossed the plate before the tag does the run count?

No, the play was completed. It would count if the original play was not completed and the runner on second ran back to second, causing a run down and tag as a secondary play. -----Yes, the run counts. The only situation where a run doesn't count when a runner crosses home plate before the third out is recorded is on a force play. For example: the bases are loaded and there are two out. The batter hits a single to right field. The runner from third base scores. The runner on first heads for second and halfway there turns an ankle and falls to the ground. If the right fielder can get the ball back into second before the runner gets up and makes it to second, the runner is out on a force play and all runs that scored before the third out was recorded are disallowed. But, in your question, there is no force play involved therefore the run would count.

Men on first and third one out fly ball is caught man on third tags man on first leaves early ball is thrown to first for out after man on third crosses home does run count?

In my league, if the pop fly was caught as the second out, and the runner on first wasn't forced out, then if the runner on third gets home before the other runner is out, then he/she is considered safe. So basically.. if its not a forced play, and the runner gets home before the out, then yes. The run counts. But that may not be every league.

On a dropped third strike with 2 outs runner on 3rd is stealing home and crosses home plate before the batter is put out does the run count?

That depends on how the batter is put out. If the batter is put out by throwing to the first baseman who touches first base before the batter does, the run will not count because the play is considered a force out. No run can score when the batter or another runner is put out by a force for the third out of an inning. However, if the batter is tagged out and the runner from third scores before the batter is tagged out, the run does count because the runner was not forced but instead tagged. Only if the batter runner is tagged out after he reaches first base (in attempt to get to 2nd base for example) does the run count. If the first baseman was pulled off the bag on the throw and was able to tag the batter runner before he reached first base, the run would not count. It is still considered a force play (NFHS Rule 2-24-1). The above answer is incorrect. MLB rule 4.09(a) states: One run shall be scored each time a runner legally advances to and touches first, second, third and home base before three men are put out to end the inning. EXCEPTION: A run is not scored if the runner advances to home base during a play in which the third out is made (1) by the batter-runner before he touches first base; (2) by any runner being forced out; or (3) by a preceding runner who is declared out because he failed to touch one of the bases. Note the exception. No run scores when the third out is made by the batter-runner before he reaches first. Doesn't matter if it's a force or a tag on the batter-runner.

When the bases are loaded and 2 out a ball is hit to SS The runner scores before the SS throws the batter out Does the run count?

No the run does not count. An out at any base would be a force out and no runs can score, If the runner scored and the third out is made because a runner is called out on an appeal play such as failure to retouch on a fly ball out or a runner missing a base the run would count

R1 on 3B R2 on 1B 1 out caught flyball for second out R1 scores before R2 is put out for leaving early Does the run count?

the run counts if the runner on 3rd base tags up and then crosses the plate prior to the runner on 2nd base being picked off.If the player covering 2nd base fields the ball from the center fielder and tags the base for out # 3 prior to the runner on 3rd crossing the plate, the run would not count.Correction:Sorry I found the answer a bit confusing.The run would count if the throw from CF to home was not in time and the runner on third touches the plate before being tagged. However the run would not count if there is an appeal to 2nd and the runner at 2nd never comes back to touch. The run would not count in this situation. This is considered a force out and no runs count on a force out for out number 3.

In a baseball game the home team has two outs with the bases loaded a flyball to the outfield is droped the runners on third crosses the plate just before the runner going from second base to third ba?

inning over. The run does not count because the force out at 3rd base.

Does the runner at third run scored count when there is one out and batter hits into a double play?

No, because the third out was made on the same play. It is no different than if the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop or any other infielder and is thrown out at first base for the third out. However, if there are two outs and there is a runner on third and the batter hits a single into left field but is thrown out at second when attempting to turn the play into a double and the runner on third makes it home before the third out at second is recorded, the run does count. Hope that isn't too confusing.