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Yes, and it's out-of-bounds.

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Q: Does the ball become dead when it bounces off of the top of the backboard?
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What is it called when the ball bounces off the backboard or the trim in basketball?

a rebound

Does the basketball become dead when it is on the top of the backboard?

Yes. When the ball remains out of play the clock is stopped.

On a foul ball a fan touches the ball then bounces into the players glove is he out?

dead ball.. no out.

Pitchers pitches the ball is pitched bounces off catcher and gets stuck in the umpires equipment do runners advance?

no dead ball

Is it always a technical foul if a frustrated player bounces the ball 20 feet in the air during a dead ball situation?


The Pitcher throws towards home plate. the ball bounces in the dirt before home plate and it hits the batter is it a dead ball or hit batter?

It is a dead ball and the batter is awarded first base and is ruled a hit by pitch

Is it true that a dead battery bounces?

If by bounce you mean like a rubber ball bounces: The bounce, or not is determined by the mechanical properties of the battery, and these doesn't change with the battery being charged or not. Dead, or fully charged, a battery will behave just the same when dropped.

If the ball goes over the backboard in the NBA is it out of bounds?

The Ball is still in play. Back surface is the only out-of-bounds part of the backboard. (Supporting elements, such as pipes or poles or arms, etc. are obviously not part of the backboard or rim and are out of bounds.)The ball traveling OVER the top of the backboard is OUT of bounds. I believe this rule was put in place because Wilt Chamberlain would score from the other side of the board.Some sources say that if the backboard is 'fan shaped' or arched top, then the over-top rule does not apply, but does if the backboard is rectangle.It's amazing to me how many times this happens at the gym and players call it out of bounds. Cmon! You gotta know the rules if you want to play the game. No one ever knows this rule, but here it is:Rule 4, Section I - c. All five sides of the backboard (top, bottom, both sides and front face) are in play. As long as the shot stays on the top of the backboard, it is still in bounds. When it falls through the basket, the goal counts. But once the ball crosses over the backboard - regardless of where it comes to rest - it is out of bounds.

Can you run back football that bounces off goalpost?

dead ball, goal posts are considered same as out of bounds, unless ball goes through. in that case, it is a field goal, 3- points.

Who wins the point if on return the ball bounces on both sides before being hit for example I return the ball and it bounces on the opposing side then my side and then goes out of bounds...?

yes u still get the point b/c the ball was out causeing the ball to be dead and u get the point if the oppising player hit the ball out of bounds on a RETURN if the opposing player served it and it was out they get 1 more do over and if it is out again u get the point whether u hit it back or not b/c once its out its dead

Is home plat in fair or foul territory?

Home plate is foul territory unless the ball rolls in front of the plate and stays fair. If the ball bounces off the plate and strikes the batter; it's a dead ball.

What is a channel in bowling terms?

The channel or gutter are the trought areas to the right and left of the lane itself. The channel is out-of bounds. Once a ball falls in the channel it is a dead ball. If it bounces out and knocks down a pin, that pin must be reset.