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Q: Does the amount of pressure enforced on a basketball affect how high the ball bounces?
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Does the air pressure inside a basketball affect how high the basketball bounces the hypothesis?

Yes. A full basketball with medium to high pressure will clearly bounce higher than a flat basketball with low pressure.

How does air pressure affect the number of basket bounces?

The more air pressure within a basketball, the more capable it is to bounce efficiently, rather than a basketball with little air pressure.

How does air temperature and air pressure affect your flexibility?

the temperature of a basketball effects it's bounce because the air partacles in the ball slow down causing it to lose pressure and it doesn't bounce as well. if a ball has more pressure it bounces better.

What affect the bounce of a basketball?

The pressure from the air inside of it

Does color affect how high a ball bounces?

No, color does not affect how high a ball bounces.

How does gravity affect the bounce of a basketball?

Gravity affects the bounce of a basketball because if there is gravity, the basketball will come back down after it bounces. But if there is no gravity, the basketball will bounce and travel indefinitely upwards and never come back down until a gravitational force pulls the basketball towards it.

Does the brand of basketball affect how high or low it bounces?

Basketballs are inflated with air to make them bounce. When inflated, the basketball's elastic bladder is capable of rebounding when dropped or dribbled on a hard surface. In general, the higher the air pressure is inside the basketball, the higher it will bounce.

Does changing the size of a basketball affect ho high it bounces?

First: I think you mean *how Second: Yes it should. I have not tested this myself but i think it would. because the bigger basketball the more materials needed so making it heavier. PEACE!

How does air pressure affect how a ball bounces?

Air doesn't effect the bounce of the ball much higher air pressure the harder the ball lower pressure softer the ball temp effects it too colder soft warmer harder

does color affect how high a bouncy ball bounces?

The combination of the material properties of a ball (surface textures, actual materials, amount of air, hardness/ softness, and so on) affects the height of its bounce.

How temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball. show a bar chart?

Temperature does affect the bounce of a ball. I know this because I did an expiremnt on the exact same question. The hotter the temperature is, the more pressure builds up inside a ball and the more bouncier it will be. The colder it is, pressure decreaces making it bounce lower than what the ball bounced at room temperature. In conclusion, the ball bounces higher when it is warmer and it bounces lower when it is colder.

Does global warming affect the way a ball bounces?

Short answer: no.