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With 0 or 1 outs, the batter is automatically out. With 2 outs, the batter may attempt to reach first base safely.

In order to be called out automatically, first base must be occupied by a baserunner.

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13y ago

If the catcher doesnt cleaning catch the 3rd strike (it hits the dirt), then you can run to 1st, the catcher will have to tag or throw to 1st to get you out.

This rule applies if there are less then 2 outs and 1st base is not occupied, if there are 2 outs, then you can run even if 1st base is occupied

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11y ago

If less than 2 outs the batter would be out because 1st base is occupied. If 2 outs then the batter and runners can advance. The catcher or fielder must make the out by retrieving the dropped ball at which point they can tag home, tag the batter or throw the ball to first to make the put out.

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Q: Do you run on the third strike if first base is not occupied?
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In softball Canadian rules in order for the third strike rule to apply first base must be unoccupied Does that mean unoccupied when the third strike occured or when the batter got to the plate?

First base must be unoccupied when the third strike occurs. If there are 2 outs then first can be occupied and the batter/runner must be put out by tag or force at 1st.

If there are no outs and bases are loaded on a drop third strike. What should the catcher do?

Throw the ball back to the pitcher. A batter can not advance on a dropped third if first base is occupied.

Can you run on a dropped third strike with the base occupied and two outs?

Yes, there is no uncaught third strike rule when there are two outs. Additionally, there is no infield fly rule when there are two outs. Both the uncaught third strike rule and infield fly rule are only in effect when there are zero or one outs.

Can runners advance on a strike three that hits the batter on a swing?

Yes. Unless first base is occupied

Why does a baseball player sometimes have to be thrown out at first on a strike out?

There is a rule called the 'uncaught third strike rule'. MLB Rule 6.09(b) states that a batter becomes a runner when: "The third strike called by the umpire is not caught, providing (1) first base is unoccupied, or (2) first base is occupied with two out; Rule 6.09(b) Comment: A batter who does not realize his situation on a third strike not caught, and who is not in the process of running to first base, shall be declared out once he leaves the dirt circle surrounding home plate." For an out to be recorded, a defensive player must have control of the ball. In the situation of an uncaught third strike, even though the batter has struckout, no defensive player has control of the ball. Therefore, an out cannot be recorded. The batter may attempt to reach first base and a defensive player must throw the ball to first, or tag the batter with the ball, to record the out.

Why can a batter strikeout and get on first by a wild pitch?

Rule 6.05(b) of the MLB Official Rules states that a batter is out when a third strike is legally caught by the catcher or when a third strike is not legally caught by the catcher and first base is occupied with less than two out. Except for the infield fly rule and the uncaught third strike rule, which keeps the defensive team from making an 'error' to make a double play or triple play, the only way a batter can be called out is if a defensive fielder has possession of the baseball. With the uncaught third strike, no one has possession of the ball.

What happens when you bunt a foul ball with two strikes out on hand?

The drop third strike rule is in effect. Whenever there is a strikeout and the ball is not caught cleanly or bounces in, this rule is in effect EXCEPT when 1st base is occupied. With 2 out, the rule is always in effect.

If catcher drops the ball can the batter run to first?

All that the rules say is the base must be unoccupied for the runner to advance with a dropped third strike. Now, in your situation there are two outs which changes things a little. It allows the runner on first to vacate the base by attempting to advance to second. If there is a runner on first with less than two outs the batter cannot attempt to take first on a dropped third strike no matter what the runner on first does. In your scenario as well, the bases are loaded so all runners must leave their base in order for the batter to advance to first making it a force play at home plate. All that the defense needs to do is step on home plate with the ball before the runner from third can successfully cross home plate in order to record the strike out.

How do you score a swinging third strike and passed ball when runner reaches safely?

It is scored as a strike out for the pitcher (as far as the pitcher's stats) but not an out against the team at bat. The base runner's advance to 1st is scored as a passed ball (error) on the cather.

What is the drop third strike rule with less than two outs?

With less than two outs, if first base is unoccupied on a swinging dropped third strike, the batter must be tagged out or forced out at first base. The putout goes either to the player applying the tag (usually the catcher) or the player covering first base in the case of a force out.

If the ball hits the dirt on the third strike for the third out and the batter turns and walks back toward the dugout can he then turn and run to first safely?

Yes. As long as he doesn't leave the dirt around home plate. Rule 6.09(b) Comment: A batter who does not realize his situation on a third strike not caught, and who is not in the process of running to first base, shall be declared out once he leaves the dirt circle surrounding home plate."[1] 1. ^

Are little leaguers supposed to be taught to run on the third strike regardless of whether or not the catcher misses the ball?

No. There is no 'uncaught third strike' rule in Little League. A base runner can advance if a third strike is not caught but the batter may not reach first base due to an uncaught third strike.Majors and minors can't, but juniors and seniors can.