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Q: Do base and bungee jumping require a high level o fitness?
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Sports does not require a basic level of fitness when starting out?


What sports dose not require a basic level of fitness when starting out?


What are sports that do not require beginners to have a high level of fitness?

Bowling, darts, golf etc.

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yup your right buddo

What sports do not require beginners to have a high level of fitness?

Bowling. Mini-Golf.

What are three sports that do not require beginners to have a high level of fitness?

American football, Basketball, Baseball

What sport requires the highest fitness levels?

Probably cross country skiing, swimming and skulling require the highest level of fitness.

What sport requires a high level of fitness from the begging?

All kinds of sports require high level of fitness. One must be physically fit to participate in any kind of sport. The basic requirement of any kind of sport is to have a lot of energy.

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sky diving

What sports does not require a basic of fitness when starting out?


What sports does not require basic level of fitness starting out?

Start with light aerobic exercises, they do not require much fitness. You can also start with yoga as it is meant for beginners or basic stretching exercises. Try running, it migHt seem hard at first, but certain;ly not impossible for beginners.