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No, the French grip remains unaffected by the French Revolution.

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Q: Did the French Revolution affect the French grip on a fencing weapon?
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What does Sabres mean?

A sabre is a weapon used by the American Revolution. It is also a weapon used in Fencing.

Which fencing weapon has a 4 sided blade?

no fencing weapon has 4 sided blades.

Heavest fencing sward?

The largest and heaviest Fencing weapon is the Epee

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I believe it was a fencing rapier.

Which is better fencing or archery?

The best fencing weapon would usually be the sword.

What is a training sword called in fencing?

The weapon used for training in the fencing duel era was called the foil (fleur). It is still used as one of the 3 weapons for fencing today, although it has never historically been a real weapon used for combat. There isn't a training sword in fencing. Originally the foil (see above) before the sport fencing - like we know it now - exsisted. Now you choose a weapon (like the foil) and train with that. So in fencing there is no training sword.

What is another name for a swordsman?

I think it is the word Epee,the word originally comes from the French.

Which Olympic sport uses a 'sabre' weapon?

That would be Sabre fencing.

What does the phrase - hit in the fencing mean?

In fencing, "hit" refers to successfully making contact with your opponent's target area using your weapon. So, "hit in the fencing" means landing a clean strike on your opponent during a fencing match.

What is a fencing blade?

There are three types of fencing swords each with different rules : Foil, Eppe and Sabre. The blade of a foil is called a "Foil blade"The blade of an eppe is called an "Eppe Blade"Etc

In electric fencing what defines the target area?

The target area depends on the weapon that you are using. If you are fencing Epee, the target area is your opponent's entire body. If you are fencing Saber, the target area is your opponent's body from the waist up. If you are fencing the third and final weapon, Foil, the target area is simply your opponent's torso. This excludes their legs, arms, and head, limiting it to the chest and stomach region.

What kind of weapon did the French use in the American Revolution?

They used the same weapon that they provided to the Continental Army, it was the .69 caliber Charleville Musket, Model 1766 which was in service until around 1840.