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Q: Could 2 golf balls fit in the same hole?
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How are tennis balls and golf balls the same?

yes yes they are.

Do pro golfers use bigger golf balls?

no, all golf balls come in the same sizes. The size of golf balls is regulated and must meet specific measurements for both size and weight.

Why dont equal masses of golf balls and ping pong balls contain the same number of balls?

Their densities are different.

Can you play a different kind of golf balls on different holes in the same round?

Yes, in amateur golf there is nothing stopping you. The only thing you cannot do is change ball midway through a hole. On the professional tours there is a one ball rule.

Why dont equal masses of golf balls and ping-pong balls contain the same number of balls?

Because it takes more ping-pong balls to contribute any unit of mass than the number of golf balls required to contribute the same mass. This stems from the fact that one golf ball has more mass than one ping-pong ball.

How many golf balls are allowed in a PGA Golf tournament per player?

You can carry as many as you like. It doesn't matter as they count on strokes not balls. However, you are expected to use the same ball from tee to the hole unless you loose it, or it becomes unplayable due to damage. You can play a new ball on every hole if you wish.

What does somebody mean when they say hail like golf balls?

It is hail that is approximately the same size as a golf ball.

What are the odds of two golf balls colliding in the air?

So slim that it is nearly impossible, considering two balls should never be in the air at the same time on one hole. From holes going in different directions, it is slightly more likely, but still nearly impossible. The greatest chance would be if you tried to do it, but you could be there for some time.

Why are womens golf balls bigger?

Don't know what your source is for that but it is incorrect. Mens and womens golf balls are the same size. The maximum diameter of a golf ball is 1.68 inches, most manufacturers make them to that size.

Are golf balls the same size and weight?

No, Not Always, But They Are Always Close In Weight.

What things are a shape of a sphere?

Basketballs, Baseballs, Golf balls, some bouncy balls, a Globe, and things that carry that same shape. :)

What is the difference between an American golf ball and a European golf ball?

There is no difference between golf balls that amateurs and professionals use. Yes you could say that professionals only use the high end golf balls, whereas amateurs use any ball they buy. The professionals may have their name, a sponsors logo or special numbers on the ball. But in terms of playability there is no difference.