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Scoring a field goal in American football cannot be done in conjunction with a touchdown. They are two independent ways of scoring.

You may have meant can you score an "extra point" without a touchdown. In American football, extra points (1 or 2 depending on type of play), can only happen in conjunction with a touchdown. In Canadian football, they may be scored under circumstances not related to a touchdown.

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Q: Can you score a field goal without a touchdown in the NFL?
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How do you score a football game?

you get a touchdown. Or you get a field goal or a safety.

What increases the score in a football game?

touchdown, field goal, or safety

How can a football team score 15 points?

You can get 15 points on football by (note if I don't mention anything with a touchdown, then there is no extra points involved):1 touchdown with field goal (7), 1 touchdown with conversion (8)1 touchdown with field goal (7), 1 touchdown (6), 1 safety (2)2 touchdowns (12), 1 field goal (3)1 touch down with field goal (7), 2 field goals (6), 1 safety (2)5 field goals (15)6 safeties (12), 1 field goal (3)4 safeties (8), 1 touchdown with field goal (7)3 safeties (6), 1 touchdown (6), field goal (3)3 field goals (9), 1 touchdown (6)2 field goals (6), 1 touchdown with field goal (7), 1 safety (2)1 touchdown with conversion (8), 2 safeties (4), 1 field goal (3)

How do get a field goal?

after a touchdown

How can points be scored if a field goal is missed?

If a player catches a missed field goal attempt while in the field of play, he can return it for a touchdown, resulting in six points. After the touchdown, his team may kick the PAT (Point After Touchdown) and score another one point, or convert the two point conversion for two points.

How many ways can a football team score 18 points excluding 2 point conversions?

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How many score changes in this years Super Bowl?

In Super Bowl XLVII, 19 score changes took place. They were as follows:Baltimore touchdown: 6-0Baltimore extra point: 7-0San Francisco field goal: 7-3Baltimore touchdown: 13-3Baltimore extra point: 14-3Baltimore touchdown: 20-3Baltimore extra point: 21-3San Francisco field goal: 21-6Baltimore touchdown: 27-6Baltimore extra point: 28-6San Francisco touchdown: 28-12San Francisco extra point: 28-13San Francisco touchdown: 28-19San Francisco extra point: 28-20San Francisco field goal: 28-23Baltimore field goal: 31-23San Francisco touchdown: 31-29Baltimore field goal: 34-29San Francisco safety: 34-31Final score was: Baltimore Ravens: 34 and the San Francisco 49ers 31.

How can a team score in football?

make a touchdown. make a extra point. make a 2 point conversion. make a Field goal.

What are five different ways to score points in a football game?

touchdown field goal extra point safety 2 point conversion

After scoring a touchdown a team can choose to do what?

Go for to points or kick a field goal for one point after the touchdown this field goal is known as an extra point.

What in football is the red zone?

The red zone is the area of the field between the opponent's 20-yard line and the goal line. When the offense has advanced into this territory, it is expected that it will score some type of points, i.e. a touchdown or a field goal.

How does team score without touching the ball?

A goal can be scored directly (without any other player touching the ball) from a kick-off, goal kick, corner kick, or direct free kick as far as restarts go.