

Can you push start a mini moto with no gears or clutch?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Can you push start a mini moto with no gears or clutch?
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Is a Mini Moto 50cc for kids?

A 50 cc mini Moto would be fine for kids, as long as they stay off of main streets. They are actually quite underpowered, and have no gears so kids should be fine on them.

How can you emergency start a mini moto if it doesnt start electrick or pull?

If your mini moto has can use a meathod called "popping it". it works 99 out of 100 timnes... someone gets on the bike and another person pushes it until it reaches a pretty fast speed.... then once at that speed you "pop it" into first gear and it should start... if it just stops as if you hit the brakes then you werent going fast enough...i hope this helps you

What age do you have to be to drive a mini moto on the road?

you have to be 18 to drive a mini moto on a road

Can you ride a mini moto at 13?

yesss at 8 u start smart one

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The key difference between Midi Moto SuperBikes and Mini Moto SuperBikes is that the mini moto superbikes are miniature versions of full motorbikes, while the midi are smaller versions of full motorbikes.

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MotoGP bikes have 6 gears.

How do you fix a mini moto?

well whats the problem with it I've got a small motorbike, (Mini Moto) which I have been experiencing problems with, The clutch is engaged when the bike is static. When I pull the rip-cord the back wheel moves with it and therefore makes it very hard to start. Even when I lift the back wheel off the ground and pull as hard as I can it still doesn't start. I've guessed that the throttle is stuck and I have tried to "Un-Stick" it but I'm getting no luck. What can I do.?

What age do you have to be to ride a mini moto?

Yes I was 10 when I was allowed to ride a mini moto/cycle but I had to wear protective gear

How do you pull start a mini moto easily?

First you kick its dog then twist its balls a sing hallalujah and kumbaya

How old do you have to be to ride a mini moto?

you can be any age to ride a mini moto. and ignore that other answer you cant make them road legal :)

Where can one buy mini moto bikes?

Often it is possible to buy a mini moto bike at a regular motorcycle salesman. You go to the salesman and ask him for a mini moto bike. Either he has one in his assortment or he asks his delivery man for a catalogue which he can show to you.