

Can cross country runners eat anything they want?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes, except for raw meat

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How cross-country runners get a flat stomach i mean what should they eat if they already run a lot everyday?

I find that runners can pretty eat whatever they want and still stya pretty thin. But it is important that everyone (including runners) make 40-55% of their diet carbohydrates, 30% fats and about 20% protein. Of course, limit your intake of trans fats, saturated fats and highly processed foods and eat as much as you can of fresh fruits and vegetables.

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Is 29 43 a decent 5k time for an 11 year old who wants to eventually do cross country?

Sure. There are even a few high school cross country runners (beginners) with your time or slower, so you're doing great for an 11-year-old. Just keep running between now and cross country! If you want to run cross country in seventh or eighth grade, you'll probably do fine with a 29:43 5K, but if you want to be competitive maybe improve your time to 20-23 minutes if you're a boy and 22-25 minutes if you're a girl. If you plan on running XC is high school, I highly recommend getting your time down to at least 25 minutes so you won't be last place in races. If you want to be competitive: 18-21 minutes if you're a boy, and 20-24 minutes if you're a girl. Good luck!

What are cross country races?

A cross country race is when a number of competetors compete in a long distance race that might be running or something else. If you want to win the race you must train hard. It requires endurance and lots of stamina. A cross country race is kind of like a marathon. The race might last atleast a half an hour to about 45 minutes. Cross-country is a running sport, it's all about endurance. Cross-country has 3k's, 5k's and 10k's. It has other k's too, but those three are the most usual. Cross-country doesn't have just the simple track. It can have hills, dirt, mud, gravel, anything. You have to be very much in shape, and know how to keep a good pace. 3k's is 1.8 miles, 5k's are 3.1 miles, and 10k's are 6.2 miles.

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Your answer is a cross-section. . It is called a cross-section when something has been cut through the middle and you can look inside.

Where do you practice for cross country?

ANYWHERE, why? 'Cause cross-country is the kind of running sport that you can run on anything and everything.I've been running on a cross-country team for two years, and we have ran in parks, mountains, mud, lakes, concrete, gravel, pretty much any type of land there is possible. We've even ran at farms.So if you REALLY want to be into cross-country, I'd suggest to run anywhere and be able to know how to run it. These are the main things you should be prepared for: Hills, if you are in OR like I am, mud, grass, concrete, gravel, rocks, tree roots, and any place that you can trip on something.Cross-country isn't an easy sport, make sure you're prepared for it and am in shape.

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The first cross country phone call was completed in 1916. Bell repeated his famous words of 1876 -- ''Mr. Watson, come here, I want you'' -- to Thomas A. Watson in San Francisco.

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Your wife doesnt have to do anything she doesn't want to in any country. Sorry but it's true.=^_^=