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Yes, if the batter was retired with that 1 pitch or got on base or was hit by the pitch. In other words if that batter is no longer up or if this was not the 1st batter the pitcher has faced and the pitcher threw a strike or a ball then the manager could take him out or if the pitcher suffered an injury with that one pitch. If the pitcher comes into a game and throws only one pitch and the batter is still up and there is no injury to the pitcher, then the pitcher must pitch to the batter till he is retired or reaches base on a hit, walk, error, fielders choice, etc.

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14y ago

Yes. A pitcher may be removed and replaced by another at any point during a defensive half inning, regardless of if the pitcher has commenced an at bat or not.


Above answer is not completely correct. The starting pitcher, and any replacement pitcher, must pitch to at least one batter before that pitcher can be removed...except due to injury or illness.

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14y ago

Yes, unless one of the trips was to check on the pitcher to see about an injury. A trip to the mound to check about an injury does not count towards the two trips per inning rule.

You will notice when a manager makes a 'regular' trip to the mound, the home plate umpire stays away for 30 seconds or so and, if the manager is still at the mound after that time, will walk out to the mound to break up the conversation and get the game started again. But if a manager goes out to check about an injury, the home plate umpire is there listening to the conversation to ensure that no strategy is being discussed.

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Q: Can a manager substitute a pitcher after he has thrown a pitch to a batter?
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In MLB when does the pitcher have to come out?

That all depends on the manager. If the pitcher is struggling, the manager might take him out of the game. If he is doing fine, the manager will probably keep him in the game. If the pitcher is thrown out of the game, for either breaking the rules, or being unsportsmanlike, he would then have to come out of the game.

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It is used by the batter to hit the baseball, which is being thrown by the opposing teams pitcher.

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A strike in softball is when a pitcher pitches a softball to the batter [located in the batter box in front of the catcher] and the batter misses. When it is a strike, it is thrown in a particular area from the batter's armpits to the bottom of their knees.

Is it true that the pitcher used to pitch the way the batter wanted?

Until the 1887 MLB season, a batter could call for a pitch to be thrown high or low.

What does it mean to give up a home run?

'Give up a home run' is a term for a pitcher who has thrown a pitch that a batter has hit for a home run. When a batter hits a home run you might here the announcer say 'That was the 4th home run given up by [pitcher] this season'. That means the pitcher has thrown four pitches that batters have hit for home runs.

A pitcher faces a batter no pitch is thrown yet the batter goes to first base?

One Answer:This is called a balk i believe Another Answer:In MLB, there are some rules that, upon violation by the pitcher, the umpire can award a "ball" to the batter. So, theoretically, if the pitcher violates these rules 4 times in succession, the batter would be awarded first base without a pitch being thrown. Note: the batter is not awarded a "ball" when the pitcher balks, nor is he awarded first base; this may have been the rule years ago, but it is not the rule today. Also, some youth and recreational leagues have a rule that, if a pitcher intentionally walks a batter, the next batter has the choice of being awarded first base or of taking his normal time at bat.

Is a wild pitch an error?

No, a wild pitch is a wild pitch -- it is considered a mistake charged to the pitcher. An "error" in baseball is a fielding mistake. A pitcher can make an "error" but only on a batted or thrown ball.

Why do the umpires eject mangers during baseball games?

Usually it's for arguing with the umpire.Addition:Managers will also get thrown out immediately if a pitcher is ejected from a game for intentionally throwing at a batter. I tend to think the reason for manager ejections is due to the fact that unlike in other sports, there is no "penalty" (i.e tech foul in basketball, flag in football) to impose on a team in baseball for the behavior of the manager.

Who calls what pitch to throw?

Mostly the catcher, although the manager has some say, and of course the pitcher is the one who actually has the final say in which pitch is ultimately thrown.