

Are football and soccer different games?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Are football and soccer different games?
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Are there other soccer games like power soccer?

try they have the best football games

What games are in Honduras?

Soccer, but they call it football.

Is soccer and football scored differently or the same?

Soccer and football is the same sport witha different name, it is called football in the uk and soccer in the u.s.

Can you be a football kicker if you play soccer?

kicking a soccer ball and football are very different but you can but it is rare.

How is football different from soccer?

In the English term, "football" means soccer. But The American term football is played with the hands And helmets on!

Define the different kinds of football?

Soccer (European football) and American football

What are the differences between the rules in American football and soccer?

They are two different games........................I wouldn't say they had similarities. The difference is that one is football & the other is played in America..............

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It is completely different: we play football; they play soccer.

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The game of football came from the games of?

Soccer became Rugby that became American Football.

American Football is a combination of what two sports?

American football evolved out of rugby. It wasn't a combination of two games. -actually football was combined from soccer AND rugby.