

Why is height important?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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hight is inportant so oyu can get the ootma no to score a header

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12y ago
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How much do genetics have to do with height?

An individual's height is a result of both genetics and environmental influences. Height is controlled by many genes (quantitative) but environmental factors such as diet are also important.

How important is height for a college point guard?

Height is not as important but you want to be at least 5-11 6 foot, if you aren't tall coaches want you to be defined. If you aren't tall make sure to be strong and defined.

What is the best height for girls?

There is no one "best" height for girls as height is largely determined by genetics and varies greatly among individuals. It is important for girls to focus on their overall health and well-being rather than solely on their height. Being healthy, active, and confident is more important than a specific height.

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How important in height to the discus throw?

Very Important The higher the discus goes the more air can get under it and it can fly better

How do you pick an appropriate desk height?

You can pick the right desk height by knowing how tall you are. The most important is how comfotable you are and how much room will you need to work with.

Do you have to be a certain height to be in the NFL?

There is no limit, but size is important in the NFL.

Which is more important strength or height?

If you're talking on terms of being physically fit, definitely strength. Height is just a term of how tall you are, strength is the amount of muscle that you have and how efficient your muscles work. If you're talking about trying to shoot a basketball hoop, then, well, I'll bet that height is pretty darn important.

Is there a height limit to become a cheerleader in leeds?

Yes there is, 5ft 5inch is generally the minimum height of a cheerleader within the uk and most important in leeds, Kirsty.

What is your daily allowance based on your height?

You shouldn't base it just on your height. Other factors are also important, like weight, activity level, age, etc.