All such races are not timed. Those that may be are not done so with any precision or sanction.
No accurate answer can be given.
Mohammed Ameen Jada is the worlds fastest 17 year OLD track and is from Botswana and broke the record at th age of 16 and was recorded as an under17 athlete
12.0 by krishn dhaliwal in willenhall
faster than me
i Ran a 11.3 in a meet 5 days ago
I do not know. But when i was twelve, I ran a 100meter dash in about 12, 13 seconds. Is that good?
The record for a 11 year old was 8.46 seconds set in 2010.
Jackson Ortolano a time of: 15.12
13 seconds
For a 14 year old I would say no considering I'm in 6th grade (11) and I can get 11.27
The fastest officially clocked pitch was by Brian Jarrell at 72 MPH.
it is 19.23 seconds
Wesley Paul is the fastest boy runner
Nobody is the fastest. God is the fastest