Emancipation is done by the court. I would suggest starting with a private attorney or the child services division for your state.
If you are married, you are considered emancipated.
An adult doesn't need to get emancipated.
No, you are medically emancipated, but you are not emancipated legally to make your own choices and live where you please.
yes you can get emancipated in kansas
If you are emancipated, and at least 16, yes you can get married. Marriage is another way of getting emancipated.
you should because your emancipated, you don't need a parent anymore. that's whaat being emancipated is.
Once you are emancipated, you are an adult. You can go where you wish.
No, emancipated or not. It's wrong and a crime for the adult.
no you have to apply through the courts to be emancipated
can i get emancipated at the age of 16
Yes, if a judge of competent jurisdiction agrees.