Just north of Drexel ave. on 6th street, just over the bridge on the east side.
The address of the Oak Creek Library is: 227 Dodge Avenue, Oak Creek, 80467 0896
The address of the Oak Creek Public Library is: 8620 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, 53154 2996
The address of the Oak Creek Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 243, Oak Creek, WI 53154
The phone number of the Oak Creek Library is: 970-736-8371.
Oak Creek, WI 53154
The phone number of the Oak Creek Public Library is: 414-764-4400.
The web address of the Oak Creek Historical Society Inc is: http://ochistorical.freeservers.com
Oak Creek High School was created in 1961.
Oak Creek Historical Society was created in 1964.
Oak Creek Ranch School was created in 1972.
The phone number of the Village Of Oak Creek is: 928-284-1603.
Oak Creek Falls - 2008 was released on: USA: 17 February 2008