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THE SIZE OF A 6 YEAR old soccer net is about 1 and a half feet up and about 2 feet wide or vica versa

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Q: What size football goals are used by 6 years old children?
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A college size football is about the same as highschool size football Pro is a size up from college

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Size 5 as it is the official size for matches and is the preferred size of most people of most age groups. 12 years is a good age to start using that size

Does the size of soccer goals change?

Yes they have changed over the years, they have been made bigger by F.I.F.A with the idea of teams scoring more goals. Please note it has not helped from 1986 or1982 the top scorer scores only six goals.

What size is a full size football?


What size is a 4-6 pound football?

The size of a 4-6 pound football is small.

What age does European Football play 11v11?

It is recommended that you start playing 11 v 11 at the age of 12. Some countries start playing earlier. Up to 12 years old is is advised that children play 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 either futsal [indoors] or with a size 4 football[outdoors].

Where to is a crater size of twenty football pitches?

the crater, which is the size of twenty football pitches, is in Arizona, USA.