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pee pot

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Q: What kinds of games did the pomo children play?
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What children games did pomo Indians play?


What games do the Pomo Indian children play?

Why don't u know I don't like u

What kind of games did the pomo play?

pee pot

What kinds of Homes did the Pomo Indians live in?


What are the pomo children's roles?

to ear

What kinds of flower names are there that pomo ate?

roses and poppies

What kinds of games did the Pomo Tribe play?

they played Lacrosse,hoop and pole game,and,cup and pin game :)

Did Pomo Indians children wear the same clothes as adult Pomo Indians?

they wore all clothes lol

What kinds of tools do the Pomo tribe use?

they used rocks,wood,and toole.

What were Pomo Indians children ROLES?

to get away with everything

Who made the pomo tribe's clothing?

mostly the women made the clothingsometimes the children

Did the Pomo tribe play any sports?

A sport was hunting rabbits