They are pretty similar...My boys have played in the AYF the last 5 years. They both offer similar weight classes and rely on volunteers both coaches and board members. Pop Warner has a few more member but AYF is in few more states, thus they both claim to be the largest youth football organization.
Here is Chandler AZ the biggest thing I noticed is Pop Warners seems to play a lot of their games at Jr. High's and High Schools where as AYF plays many of theirs at city parks and a few sports complex's.
Regardless of the league I think your child's experience will come down to the coaching staff. Some years we have a great experience and some years its simply a long season. Regardless just try to keep positive.
Personally I have had two bad seasons in a row and I will be giving Pop Warner a shot next season. Buts its really a crap shoot.
weight limit and grade requirements
Usually between $60 and $75
Pop Warner Football is set to launch this August in Canada.Contact Ontario Pop Warner Football LeagueMAIL: 6 Ossington Ave.Toronto Ontario M6J 2Y7 PHONE: 416-322-7825 FAX:416-481-7423 EMAIL:
You can find the Pop Warner rule book online. Click the Related Link below and it will take you to the Pop Warner website where you can down load the rule book.
i am trying to find out if the hamburger drill is an illegal drill in pop warner football
Pop Warner Little Scholars was created in 1929.
Yes dejhon brooks (DJ) was the best runningback in pop warner ever, he was better than Cody Paul. He led the highland hawks to the finals,and he is the quickest in pop warner. (The Best)
You can purchase a Pop Warner football from retailers such as Amazon. Once on the website, type "Pop Warner Football" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the product.
Pee Wee in slightly bigger than junior football in pop warner
art music is boring pop music
Birla putty is washable and pop is non washable.
yes they can if in the TINY-MITE division if between 35 and 70 lbs