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Q: What is an example of how adults can develop knowledge to attain goals of running is a goal?
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What ia an example od how adults can develop knowledge to attain goals if running is a goal?

Study running

What are some examples of assimilation and accommodation in adults?

An example of assimilation in adults is adding new information to existing knowledge by relating it to what they already know. An example of accommodation in adults is changing their existing schemas to incorporate new information that cannot be fit into existing knowledge.

They develop lungs as adults what is the direct object?

It is important to know the parts of a sentence. Lungs is the direct object in the sentence, "They develop lungs as an adult. ".

Why are kids smarter than adults?

They're clearly not smarter. Adults brains have had more time to develop. They just are.

Why respect the experience and knowledge of adults?

Because adults have learned a lot and experienced many things during their years.

Emerson says adults develop a divided and rebel mind that?

Emerson says adults develop a divided and rebel mind that is the start of their self reliance. This behavior leads to becoming more independent.

What is the possessive form for adult?

The plural form for the noun adult is adults. The plural possessive form is adults'.Example: The adults' behavior was a poor example for the children.

Do sixth graders or adults test better?

i would have to say adults 'cause they have 6th grade knowledge plus some. :)

What is the plural possessive form for Adult?

The plural form for the noun adult is adults. The plural possessive form is adults'.Example: The adults' behavior was a poor example for the children.

Pick the true quotation to finish Emerson's thought When comparing adults to children Emerson says adults develop a divided and rebel mind that?

When comparing adults to children Emerson says adults develop a divided and rebel mind that has a "distrust of a sentiment because our arithmetic has computed the strength and means opposed to our purpose."

How many days does it take for fruit flies to develop from eggs to adults?

29 days

Is marriage without one of the twos knowledge legal?

No, both adults must be consenting.