A pyro or pyromaniac is someone who sets fires for sexual excitement. I learned this in school. They enjoy playing with fire because of this reason.
A Person whom plays, lights, or sets things on fire for no good reason
My pyro darkus pyro dragonoid has 550gs
FIRE("A pyro technician should know how fire works." A pyrotechnics expert handles fireworks.)
Pyro Spectaculars was created in 1906.
Pyro Spectaculars's population is 75.
Howie Pyro was born in 1964.
Pyro Studios was created in 1996.
no john and bobby aka pyro and iceman are not brothers.
in bakugan pyro dragonoid is the evolved form of neo dragonoid
World Pyro Olympics was created in 2005.
They are white cards with the word "Pyro" on it.
Quicksand Pyro 3 is part of the Pyro series in the Quicksand game. You can find it by playing through the levels of the game and unlocking new items and upgrades. Keep progressing in the game to access Quicksand Pyro 3.
pyro is way better then iceman i mean iceman is cool but come on pyro is so much more cool even if he did join the brotherhood.