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I ran 2.15 in the 800 and 4.34 in the 1500 at school in cut off cords and Nike Basketball boots. At age 15 and some months.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Probably 6-7 minutes. 5 minutes would be a really good time!

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12y ago

MY son had his athletics carnival yesterday and he turns 8 next january. For the 1500m he got 3:52.8 and was third fastest in the state. I think the winners time was around 3:00

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9y ago

Yes, 5:14 is a good time for the 1600 for someone who is 12. With practice and hard work one can continue to decrease their time.

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Q: What is a good time for an 11 year old boy to 1500m?
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roughtly about 6-7 mins if you good. up to 12-15 if you fat! (sorry about that) i am a 15 year old girl and i can do it at the start of the season with no training in about 7.30 then after about 6 weeks it'll be roughtly 6.10. (that is my fastest!) zoe x

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What can a 10 year old boy do in the summer?

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