

What is YOYOing?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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14y ago

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YoYoingPeople often do not believe it, but yoyoing is a sport and has World YoYo contests. You can find out more about them by clicking on the related link.
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no, no fast action or instant fix diets work. the people in the commercials are paid to get fat, or give pictures of themselves when they were fatter, and then do the commercials when they are skinny again. half of how you look depends on genetics, sometimes you simply cannot look any better without surgery, which i don't recommend. the best thnig to do if you want to lose weight is change your diet to include less fat and be more active. cardio is the best way to burn fat and its not very difficult. real results take time and these quick fix diets are actually very dangerous, usually people end up yoyoing and get fatter once they stop the diet. diet pills and supplements just do not work, no matter what the gym recruiters tell you.