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Q: What existing sources of information about childhood injuries might be helpful in describing and assessing the problem of childhood injuries?
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What are the information to be included in assessing community needs?

When assessing community needs, it's important to gather data on demographics, social determinants of health, existing resources and services, community priorities and concerns, and community assets and strengths. This information can help identify areas for improvement, guide resource allocation, and support the development of targeted interventions to address the specific needs of the community.

Incorporating new information into existing theories is to as modifying existing theories in light of new information is to?

"Integrating new information into existing theories is to refine existing theories based on new information."

What are the 6 stages of critical thinking?

Remembering: recalling information. Understanding: comprehending information. Applying: using knowledge in new situations. Analyzing: breaking down information into parts. Evaluating: assessing information for credibility. Creating: generating new ideas based on existing knowledge.

In what ways is a request to change the scope of an information system handled differently from a request for a new information system?

When requesting a change in scope for an existing information system, the process involves evaluating the impact on current functionalities, resources, timelines, and costs. It typically requires assessing the feasibility of incorporating the requested changes within the existing system architecture. On the other hand, a request for a new information system involves starting from scratch, including defining requirements, designing the system, selecting technologies, and implementing the solution without the constraints of an existing system.

What is recruitment advertisement?

This is a approach used to communicate the existing vacancies in the company. Recruitment advertisements typically have a uniform layouts. Few elements are designation, paragraph describing the company, location of vacancy, entry qualifications for the position and remuneration package information.

What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation?

Assimilation is the process of incorporating new information into existing cognitive structures, while accommodation involves adjusting existing cognitive structures to fit new information. In other words, assimilation is making new information fit existing frameworks, while accommodation is modifying existing frameworks to incorporate new information.

Who are the stakeholders in an information system?

stakholder is any person who has on interest in an existing or porposed information system

What are some examples of assimilation and accommodation in adults?

An example of assimilation in adults is adding new information to existing knowledge by relating it to what they already know. An example of accommodation in adults is changing their existing schemas to incorporate new information that cannot be fit into existing knowledge.

Who are the typical stakeholders in the information system?

stakholder is any person who has on interest in an existing or porposed information system

Who are the typical stakeholders in an information system?

stakholder is any person who has on interest in an existing or porposed information system

Can a insurance company drop you for a pre existing condition?

I need a little more information. What kind of insurance and what kind of pre-existing condition?