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Q: What are some persuasive reasons girls should do sports?
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Making poster for school it should say girls sports Should I use an apostrophe somewhere?

No "girls sports" is correct.

Should girls play on boys sports teams?

it is not should girls can play but they can play

Why girls should play on boys sports?

girls should play on boys sports teams because the thing that is stopping them is a gender matter.

Should girls be allowed to be on sports teams?


should Girls should play the same sports as boys?


What should a boy do when he loses to girls at sports?

admit that girls can do anything guys can do(:

Should boys and girls have the same sports?


Should girls be allowed to play guy sports?

should girls be allowed to play sports with boys. I think yes but then no because girls are good in sports but boys always have to make a big fuss that girls is not better than boys in sports so i say that boys should look back and realize what they say. On the other hand no because there is some girls they is too girly and bet boys that they can when sports but no they can not and also they can get hurt cause boys are tough too.

Why do boys lead girls on?

they are more persuasive!

Should boys and girls have equal sports teams?

Yes and no

Why girls wear caps to school?

Girls wear caps to school for the same reasons boys do. They could just like to wear caps, they might be on a sports team, or any variety of reasons, but mainly they wear them because they want to.

Should girls be allowed to be on a boys sports team?

YES! They should because girls are tough enough! Unless it's something like wrestling....