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YES,because my lil' brother played when he was 4 but he isn't that good yet.But still he is pretty good at it!

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15y ago
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If its a boy clown party, hire or get someone to dress up as a clown. If its a girl have a fairy party

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12y ago

I feel that one of the best and simple outdoor game for all ages is Badminton. Tennis is also a good sport for those who demand games which are more physically engaging.

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12y ago

A five year should do 8-12 of any exercise.

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You can find sports toys on etc.

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You can use either "5 years old" or "5-year-old" ex. Brian is 5 years old. ex. Brian is a 5-year-old.

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6 minutes 11 seconds

How much does a 12 year old weigh if there 5 ft?

WHen i was about 5 ft I weighed about 95lbs, if that helps. I knew I weighed a bit more than some of my friends because I have more muscle from sports. But right now I have a 12 year old friend about 4'10 and he weighs 130lbs.

How many fruits and vegetable should a 12 year old eat?

A 12 year old should have at least 4-5servings of fruits and veggies a day. Each serving should be the size of a baseball.(which is about 4-5 cups)If the 12 year old plays a lot of sports and is active they should have at LEAST 5 cups of fruits and veggies a day.

How much does 10 year old's supposed to weigh?

Hiya, it depends, If they are sporty or do activites they shall weight less. Its around 5 stone a 10 year old should be. You can be less or slightly more, depending on your height and if you do sports/activities.

What is a good toy for your thirteen year old boy?

sports equipment