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No. It's false of true.

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Q: Is it true of false Ask parents to volunteer to take on support?
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Do you take your children to court with you for child support case?

No, you should not take children to a child support court hearing. This is for the parents to deal with and the children should not even know it is happening.

If a parent receives child support and misappropriate the funds correctly can the child who is of legal age take both the parents to court for child support?


How can you get relieve from your problems?

Try a stress reliever. Take a warm bath with scented candles, spend time with some friends, get support from a counselor. volunteer in a program, etc.

If you are receiving a parents life insurance in one lump sum and owe child support can they take it from you?

For child support, yes they can take it from you. Or atleast some of it depending on how much you owe and how much it is.

Will a court take into account your new spouse's income when determining child support in Louisiana?

No, only the biological parents pay child support for their child.

What is the synonym for volunteer?

The opposite of Volunteer is: "Professional" or "In-Volunteer"

Should the father pay child support if he takes care of his children?

Both parents should pay child support. They both take care of their children.

Do all college and university students work during their summer vacation?

No, some do volunteer work, some take summer classes to finish their degree, and some of them stay home with their parents.

Are children responsible for using parents's credit card after they die?

No. Because stepparents can take children to the court center and tell the judge what do they have to use parents's credit card after they die.

If you take over custody of your niece can you get any assistance?

Yes, the parents have to pay child support. They can give you temporary custody.

In New Jersey can a wife's wages be garnished for child support owed by her husband?

No, only biological parents or parents who have legally adopted a minor child are responsible for the financial support of that child/children.