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South lake Tahoe Pop Warner has had a 3005 decline in one year...from 400+ to 100 kids. And some have completely shut down. like this link shows.

they have had a "bounty" and "headhunting" issue break.

No accountability for the fundraising. Rampent with fraud.

long story short..yes because they have a monopoly on children sports through the not for profit status they own and the ability to crush competitors They have crushed any local leagues, have no real competition and use "donations" to monopolize the industry. Do not believe me? just look how they treated the parents and children who tried to leave and form interdependent leagues.

As more and more of the bread and butter fundraising done by children dries up by outraged parents the Pop Warner organization demands more and more of its kids fundraising they even pull kids from games and teams if they do not sell enough tickets, $420 worth minimum. this not for profit will pull kids and claims it does everything for the kids. in our league they have to reuse the same uniforms each season and gear (helmets exception last year) while selling thousands and thousands of dollars of tickets which have no oversight or accountability. fraud is rampant.

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