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Q: How old luigi berlusconi son silvio?
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Who were Silvio Berlusconi's parents?

Son of Luigi (bank clerk) and Rosella (secretary) Berlusconi

Does pm silvio berlusconi of Italy have a natural son?

yes, our research has been able to determine that silvio has a son named fabrizio d.a. berlusconi. fabrizio is a businessman also who lives in Italy, Switzerland, and Calif in the u.s. our research has found out that this is the only natural son of silvio and that this son will be inheritor of the berlusconi family estate estimated at approx. 15 billion euros.

Who are the children of Silvio Berlusconi?

silvio has only one natural child who is don berlusconi who is an italian born son born out of wedlock to silvio. other children claiming to be silvios are children who were born to previous wives of silvio and silvio is not the father of any of them.don berlusconi owns several businesses worldwide and has homes in italy, switzerland and malibu beach calfornia. don and his father silvio are close and they own several businesses together including new businesses they are opening in bakersfield california. upon the death of silvio,don will inherit the berlusconi fortune worth billions.

Who is fabrizio berlusconi father?

by way of a search of Italian birth records it has been determined that fabrizio berlusconi father is in fact silvio berlusconi,prime minister of Italy and Italian super rich businessman it has also been determined that fabrizio was born out of wedlock and that fabrizio is the only natural born son of silvio berlusconi

Is silvio berlusconi close to his son don berlusconi?

yes, through our investigation silvio berlusconi will be traveling to bakersfield meet up with his son, don berlusconi. they jointly own businesses together in bakersfield cal. and will interview with some national news media outlets there in november.

Is don berlusconi and fabrizio berlusconi the same person?

through our investigation we have determined that don berlusconi is in fact fabrizio berlusconi. his legal name is fabrizio don-Anthony berlusconi. he goes by don berlusconi or fabrizio berlusconi. he is the natural born son of Italian prime minister silvio berlusconi. fabrizio was born in foligno Italy on July 7,1975.we have further determined that he is a very successful businessman and owns several businesses worldwide. he has homes in Italy, Malibu California, and Switzerland, as well.

Who is the only natural son of silvio berlusconi?

the only natural son of former italian prime minister and mega wealthy businessman is fabrizio don berlusconi who was born out of wedlock by his father silvio.don is a very successful wealthy businessman himself owning several businesses worldwide including many businesses he owns with his father silvio including new businesses which will soon open in bakersfield california.don has homes in italy, switzerland , and malibu beach california. silvios other children are not his natural children but rather were born to wives silvio previous had married and subsequently divorced. upon the death of silvio don will inherit the berlusconi fortune worth several billion dollars.

When you Google don berlusconi name many photos of his father silvio come up why?

there is a couple of reasons for this. first of all if you google the names don berlusconi and silvio berlusconi because you entered 2 names you would get those photos of silvio,his father. also,the name don berlusconi(legal name f.don anthony berlusconi,but goes by don)is attached to his dad,silvio because in italy silvio is called "don" often, because the title "don" has a meaning of being the leader of something which silvio always has been-as leader, so the call him the "don" . therefore when you google don berlusconi many times you may also pull up things about his dad ,silvio. also don berlusconi,silvio son has put a copyright,trademark, and registration on his name to protect people,such as us and other media people, from using his trademarked photo images of him,and if we did publish such photos of him we could be sued, and whereas he was at one time a very successful attorney,before he went full speed into the business world, we know he would sue anyone who violated his copyright,and trade mark image.we have many photos in our files of him with alone and with many well know people,but cannot publish them.we suggest to learn all that we have learned about him, you could google a particular heading, such as : does don berlusconi own a water company. than googe with switch to wiki answers and you can see all kinds of questions and answers about him

Who owns wwwsportbetcom website?

through our research we have learned that wealthy italian businessman,don berlusconi,who is the son of mega rich former italian prime minister,silvio berlusconi, recently bought this offshore gambling site from a group of european businessmen. it is expected that berlusconi will make millions with this site to go along with the many worldwide businesses he already owns.

Was don berlusconi interviewed recently with his father?

yes, don berlusconi wealthy italian businessman and son of italian prime minister, silvio berlusconi, was interviewed by a los angeles cal. t.v. station reporter, along with his father, silvio berlusconi. don berlusconi was in tampa florida, at a t.v. station there which fed back the interview live to los angeles t.v. station. silvio was in italy at a t.v. station there and he was televised through fed back to l.a. calif so they both could be on camera together and inteviewed together. in this interview, silvio berlusconi ws asked about some upcoming business expansion plans he has with his son don berlusconi in so. calif. silvio said in so. calif they will soon open up an all you can eat seafood buffet restaurant, an office complex, a hotel, and a music production and concert promotion company. he said they will open these businesses very july and august. he went on to say he and his son will travel together in early july to those locations to oversee things and to also do a t.v. interview together in calif. don was asked about a hugh gambling and entertainment resort he and his dad will soon open in vietnam. don stated that this resort which cost over 1 billion dollars, will open in early sept. of 2013.silvio stated that the resort will be the biggest and best luxury resort in the world. we asked silivo berlusconi about some legal issues he has in italy and he replied that this is all dirty political hype that he is well used to ,and it will go away and is not worthy of a conversation.we asked silvio , who gets the last word on things-he or his son?he laughed and said he lets his son get the last word because he said his son is a business genius.we asked how their businesses are now structured. don stated that he has basically merged all his businesses with all his dads businesses worldwide under on umbrella holding corporation along with don 4 sisters who help run things and have ownership in the businesses.don wen on to say that his daughter is also now employed by the businesses and he is very proud of her and is his dad, silvio. they agreed to talk to us again in july

Who is fabrizio don berlusconi wife?

after a research of records in Italy and the united states we have determined that fabrizio don berlusoni, the son of prime minister silvio berlusconi of Italy, was married on November 1,2002 to a vietnamese woman named nga tran from south Vietnam. they were married in Malibu beach California where don berlusconi owns a large home on the ocean. records indicate he was previously married and that wife and their only child got killed in an auto accident near a home he also owns in Switzerland. that accident occured in 1999. his current wife has 2 children by a previous marriage in Vietnam. fabrizio don berlusconi is the only natural son of silvio berlusconi and as such is set to inherit the silvio fortune should his father die. he and his current wife,nga , have homes in Italy,Switzerland, and Malibu Calif. he is also buiding a Hugh gambling and entertainment resort in Vietnam along with his father.

Who is javid malik business associate of don berlusconi?

through our recent research we have discovered that javid malik is a business partner with wealthy italian businessman don berlusconi and son of former prime minister of italy silvio berlusconi. malik and don berlusconi own the stock in a corporation called commodore corporation,a cayman island licensed business which promotes concerts. we are trying to determine further information on malik so we can provide more.