Philip Rivers and his wife Tiffany have 7 children. Their oldest child Halle, is 12 years old.
NFL QB Philip Rivers is 36 years old (birthdate: December 8, 1981).
Michael Jackson's oldest child is Prince who is 14 years old.
Michael Jackson's oldest child is Prince who is 14 years old.
Josh Duggar is 27-years-old.
18 Years Old
The youngest child was 7 years old the oldest person to die was 78 years old
13 or 14 years old
Well if you look at Undertakers age he is about 70 so i would say about.....40 years old The Undertaker is NOT 70, dude. He's 45. His oldest child is about 18-19.
Rosa Parks did not have any children.
The oldest woman on record to get pregnant is 66 years old.
11, 10, and 9
11, 10, and 9